Storefront's codebase relies on WordPress hooks and filters to add, remove or change functionality. By creating theme, we have the ability to upgrade the theme for access to new features and bug fixes.. theme is WordPress theme — it becomes theme when you define the in the. For this project, I have simplified the folder structure, especially the folder, since we will be using Storefront's styles and doing little customizations to it.. Create a package json file in the folder of your theme with the following contents the package json file is used to define npm packages that are used by Gulp to execute the build process.. Running gulp watch in the terminal will continuously look for changes in PHP files and files in the directory. Gulp will live stream the changes to URL with the help of BrowserSync.. You can configure your editor to run ESLint tests, code.. Like ESLint, the rules are defined in sass-lint file and will be tested against whenever you run gulp lint. Just like ESLint, you can configure your editor to run sass-lint which is recommended and makes it easy to see errors and warnings as you write code..
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