FashionBlog WordPress Theme is clean and fashion oriented magazine theme by MyThemeShop. FashionBlog Theme will be suitable to start professional looking blog with all type of niches like fashion, style, entertainment, sports and mixed blog. The main purpose behind developing template is to provide you theme that works to release articles with multimedia contents like images, gallery, videos and more. The newly released articles are displayed with excerpt style, this will provide you 2 benefits 1 ) It will consume less space hence you can display more contents 2 ) search engines will index each articles properly instead of listing homepage.. Apart from that FashionBlog WordPress Theme provides around 37 images to set as background and if you are not satisfied then you can use uploader to show your own image. For website and picker you get color selectors, just use the mouse and click over your color. The typography section is packed with different Google fonts and custom font size box for header and body fonts, this will prove to be best to improve typography of your website.. there will be flexibility to access your website with internet devices, it will not face design break problem even if user will access if over large or small screens. Other widgets are given to increase flexibility of placing google ads and banner on sidebar, integration, Facebook like box and more. The theme options page is made of user features which can be enable disable using on off buttons given with all features...
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