News Search Engine is WordPress plugin that create new section on WordPress Dashboard and it gives the possibility to search news through Google news API.
From the wordpress dashboard on News Search Engine => News Search Engine, click on Sources and follow the instruction on screen..
It's mainly convenience endpoint that you can use to keep track of the publishers on API, and you can pipe it straight through to your users..
From the wordpress dashboard on News Search Engine => News Search Engine, click on Everything and follow the instruction on screen..
From the wordpress dashboard on News Search Engine => News Search Engine, click on Top Headlines and follow the instruction on screen..
Now let's consider two of the popular use cases for News API and walk through each one * I want to show my users live top and breaking news headlines * I want to search across every news article that mentions specific topic or keyword ...
Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins news-search-engine directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly..
Insert your Google news API key and your HTTP or HTTPS and click on.
Great plugin order to search news from the wordpress dashboard, the plugin is simple to use and easy to set up...
Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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