News-parser is plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily receive the text of the article, as well as images from the site using RSS feed. Just enter the address of RSS in the bar and click. To save parsed data as draft, click on the download check in the lower right corner of the block with the post interesting for you and it will be saved as draft. Go to the menu item Posts-> All Posts in your admin panel to find the draft of the post you parsed. To edit or publish data, go to the menu item Posts-> All Posts in your admin panel, find the draft of the post that you spars. In the setting you can set the ability to select pictures that will be attached to your post. Add link to the source adds link at the end of the post to the source of information... Maximum pictures to add Maximum number of images that the parser will parse from each page... Add gallery to post Allows you to add shortcodes of gallery plugins to the post and pass image id to them.. Parameter name for gallery the name of the parameter to which the list of id images is transferred...
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