It does the in the cloud which makes it very lightweight, compared to standard caching plugins NitroPack has much overhead on your CPU.. Configuration of the plugin requires no knowledge as all you need to do is select your desired optimization level Standard, Medium, Strong or Ludicrous.. Cache invalidation cache files NitroPack can be invalidated instead of purged, which means NitroPack will keep serving your visitors from cache until while fresh copy of the cache is being generated in the background. No risk of damaging your original site files NitroPack works on copies of your site files, so even if optimization goes bad you can purge your cache to start over, or disable NitroPack in. There are two major issues when running campaign the first is that each visitor hits your server with URL request and the second issue is that you will lose your cache if you update content on your site.. However, this may impact user experience when purge occurs during high period because your visitors will no longer be served from cache and your server will have to work hard to generate new cache files. NitroPack solves this by invalidating its cache, instead of purging, which means it starts refreshing the cache files in the background while your clients are still being served the slightly outdated cache files... Once you have registered and added your site use Site ID and Site Secret to connect the plugin to our service. After installing and activating NitroPack, you need to open its settings page and connect it with our cloud service using your Site ID and Site secret... Once you do that, please visit your home page and allow NitroPack minute to prepare version of your page.
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