Finally, OOPSpam API anti-spam service is available for WordPress users as well.. You will need OOPSpam API key to use the plugin. If you are already using OOPSpam on other platforms, you can also use API key for this plugin... This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.. Just download the plugin, extract the zip file and move the contained oopspam-antispam in your WordPress Plugins folder wp-content plugins. Go to your Admin Area and activate the plugin through the Plugins WordPress. Finally go to the menu and select Settings=> OOPSpam Anti-Spam All you need to do is add your OOPSpam API key... Using the plugin requires you to have OOPSpam API key. Once you have key, copy it and paste into OOPSpam API key field under Settings=> OOPSpam Anti-Spam.. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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