Whenever you plan to start up sale off, discount programs you can log in your admin and easy to create Coupon code for the Membership package to attract the customer's attention. You need to fill in all Coupon information such as Discount Type, Discount Value, Start Date, Expired Date, Usage Limit, Discount.. With the excellent features of this plugin, it allows admin to create Membership Package with some your subscriptions plans for some featured items. Simply you only enter your membership title in the upper field and fill in all necessary information below for the package you want to show. Users will have to register and account then base on those packages to choose the best one for their business.. = Manage Member Users Easily=. Admin can check their profile information such as name, email, user id, address.. = Support Multiple Payments= * It supports many payment gates for users when buying membership such as Card On Delivery, PayPay Standard, Stripe. For some different use goals, admin can add categories they want to show membership on the website. It supports many payment gates for users buying membership such as Card On Delivery, PayPay Standard, Stripe... Upload the plugin files to the ` wp-content plugins opal-estate directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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