Phone Lookup, enables auto fill of checkout forms, with entering phone number at checkout page.. The plugin requires token, which can be granted free for trails.. The plugin uses external service provided by Hexio IVS, to look up information by phone number.. It's used to track the number of visitors reaching your checkout.. When user completes and order, the plugin will send their plu visitor id., the number and the number of the order to the external service.. This is done to provide statistics in the settings view of Phone Lookup, for example conversion rate from checkout to order, number of visitors and number of orders.. The functionality of this plugin, also uses the external service, to look up address information by Phone number.. The number used in the lookup is stored, for statistics and billing purposes.. Now your checkout page has Phone Lookup field, as the first field... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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