Web Hosting WordPress theme is designed for business related to technology, domain & web hosting services with option, shortcodes & various other features... As result, you can create highly functional website for hosting services like disk space, domains, FTP accounts & others.. With this WordPress web hosting theme, you get theme panel that helps you to add, edit & manage all theme elements without any coding skills.. For example- You can change the color, text size, navigation settings, color, and much more.. WordPress theme comes with pricing plan page that let you display your hosting plans, features, specification and other packages on your website. Web Hosting is built with the web technologies like HTML, CSS, WordPress 4.9.9. Here are some examples- list, icons, alert message, dropcaps content, warning box, multiple columns etc.. This hosting WordPress theme has the option of monetization through your website which is the process of generating revenue.. With this WordPress web hosting theme, you will get different widget options like title, testimonial, Templatic Twitter widget & custom widgets. Pricing Site License- You can install domain at the price of $49 with theme updates & supports. Site License- This package is available at the cost of $89 for installing 5 domains with no customization restrictions..
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