For Product Sourcing Service Providers, International Buyers, Manufacturing Industries, Import Export Businesses, Sourcing Agent and Transportation Companies... Compatible Browsers IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Opera Mini, Android Browser, Chrome for Android... ProSource WP theme is crafted for Product Sourcing Service Providers, Import Export Businesses, Sourcing Agent, Manufacturing Industries, Transportation Companies, and International buyers.. WordPress theme helps to encourage and proliferate all the aspect of your business like outsourcing, insourcing, global and strategic sourcing.. The theme is enabled with slider where number of business images can be shared. On the sidebar of the homepage, the template has recent post section where all your latest news, events and blogs can be shared. There is two types of formats that are used in the blogging section one is horizontal format and other is vertical format, in the horizontal format the paragraph is in the form rows whereas in the vertical format the paragraph or the content is in the column form.. The skin has sidebar that has contains gallery where portfolio of images related to your product sourcing business can be depicted. In the respective section, one can share number of images which will enhance your layout, thereby, increasing your business sale.. Cross-browser Safari, Chrome, Opera, FireFox, IE9, IE10, IE11...
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