About 60% of CMS market falls for the share of WP sites. In 2017, the specialists of Wordfence distinguished unusual surge of hacking attacks targeted WP websites namely. The protection and security of WP website are among the main aspects of work on website. The variant is to create password that would contain familiar word where letters are separated by numbers and signs. #2 Update WP version regularly.. While most of them security plugin simplify the work with this CMS and extend functionality, some can be fraught with downsides for site viruses. The recommendation is easy to follow just install decent antivirus system and Virtual Private Network. When logging in WP site, the password is sent to the email or phone number. When hackers get access to the control panel of the site and do much harm to it. #12 Do not ignore security plugins.. One might download them on the official site of CMS. #13 Set limits on the number of login attempts.. There is facility to personalize the system of the site, and IP address will be blacklisted for several hours or days ..
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