This plugin integrates with WooCommerce and lets you manage cost prices for your items instantly see the impact of changes on your margins and markups.. These Cost Prices are called Cost of Goods Sold and we have integrated dedicated fields to manage these in your WooCommerce product pages.. COGS is sometimes also referred to as 'cost of sales or 'cost of merchandise but in short it refers to the production or purchase costs for products in your store.. Technically, these costs are expense of your business, and in the end they reduce the revenue your store makes from selling.. This plugin allows you to plan, simulate and summarize both your costs, stock value and margins in one place in WooCommerce product pages so you get overview of how your business is doing.. As owner, you calculate variety of figures to determine the health and performance of your business.. One of these figures is Gross Margin, which is factor for you when assessing your business risk and profitability or when you are setting prices for your goods or services.. In WooCommerce product pages, we have created overview to track all of these changes and show the final gross margin for all your products. 3 reasons why it's important to calculate Gross Margin 1. Calculating Gross Margin lets you know how much of profit you've got order to meet obligations other than those related to your products and services.. Your break-even point tells you the amount of revenue you must make order for to make your business success..
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