The main benefit of the theme is it works fine for business or portfolio showcase websites, hence presenting your amazing work will become easy task using in-built features. The theme will showcase all the portfolio contents over homepage with animated style filter effects. The theme is made using simple and professional style to make sure that user's attention is diverted to the portfolio contents only. For this requirements Reveal WordPress Theme gives you elegant and blog page where released articles are shown using excerpts generated thumbnails. Adding slideshow with any post or page is very easy with Reveal WordPress Theme, for that special short-codes is provided and you just need to insert it to add it on any page. The portfolio is not limited to display images except you can also add videos or any media contents you want. Images are the primary content for any portfolio website, and to enhance the look of images Reveal WordPress Theme uses light-box feature to make it look sparkling and attractive. The menu is build using jQuery for smooth loading while loading drop-down list, this way user will be encouraged more to access contents over your website. ThemeTrust gives you lifetime support with every templates so you can become sure to instant solutions to any query or problems that might arise in future.. Hence with the purchase of this business theme you will get solution where you will become in the business world...
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