In case of WordPress websites, our Yelp reviews and recommendations tool is excellent to build customer trust.. Thanks to the countless effective examples, we are perfectly aware of the fact that if your visitors trust your company better, it will in more customers significantly conversion rates without investing lot more in marketing.. In case of WordPress page, trust has important components quality of content displayed on the website, website design, synergy and relevance between the campaign and landing pages or the payment options. Yelp is the popular website in the world known by everyone and the credibility of review can be checked thanks to the profiles** this explains why customer ratings available on Yelp are so important.. All you need to do is to display your filtered, Yelp reviews and recommendation on your different sales pages... You have the chance to label Yelp recommendations and to display filtered reviews on your sales pages.. At the time you can be sure that you will experience conversion rate, therefore the willingness to purchase as well as the order value will rise.. Thanks to the conversion rates, more and more campaigns and advertisement channels that used to be suffering losses will become affordable for you.. Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Please verify that you have admin access to your Yelp business page, as when installing Trustindex, you will have to sign in to your Yelp account, and allow its usage...
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