The CM Routes Custom Fields Add-on for WordPress supports adding custom fields for each route page..
Routes and Locations Routes and Locations inside the routes have different sets of custom fields.
To do it you'll need to save one of the fields that you've created in editor or somewhere and it's meta key.
We have added the in the Configuration settings to add this filter to Routes Index page.
There's option to add the custom grades to the snippet exceprt in the index view for your routes.
Routes Manager PeepSo Integration Integrated CreativeMinds routes manager plugin with PeepSo social network.. $29.00 Add to Cart...
Locations Manager PeepSo Integration Integrates CreativeMinds locations manager plugin with PeepSo social network.. $29.00 Add to Cart...
Routes Manager Custom Fields Support the option to add custom fields to the route page.
Routes Strava Integration Allow users to share routes created with the manager on Strava and import routes from Strava to the route manager. $29.00 Add to Cart...
Routes BuddyPress Addon Allow users to integrate the manager plugin with BuddyPress and share users routes BuddyPress user profile. $29.00 Add to Cart...
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