WordPress Hosting Shared WordPress Hosting vs Managed Hosting What One Is Best For You. 22nd Aug, 2018 Harsh Agrawal Comments.. As newbie, it can be difficult to understand the difference between shared hosting vs managed WordPress hosting, and. By adding some isolation and limiting the number of hosting accounts on server, Good shared hosts will try to mitigate this, and not all shared hosts do job there.. Managed WordPress hosting is set of WordPress-specific services and optimizations that are added to regular hosting plan.. they're usually much less likely to overload their servers, so the aspect from above does not apply.. example of the dashboard at Kinsta managed WordPress host Why You Might Want To Pick Shared Hosting. there's just not huge benefit to paying more money for managed WordPress hosting.. Moreover, in my experience of moving ShoutMeLoud from Shared to VPS and now finally to managed WordPress hosting, it saves lot of time and headache of maintaining server.. If you're on budget, you can find free plugins that can get you kind of close to the convenience of WordPress host without that higher price tag.. Then, once your site grows, you can move to managed WordPress hosting for increased performance and more convenience..
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