simple and fast way to host your own videos and show them private mode without being able to download them and without external services dependencies like Vimeo, YouTube, etc.. With the video block of this plugin you can upload your videos to folder on your own hosting and share them in your web only with your logged visitors.. In other hand the player allow users to setup playback speed, audio volume, fullscreen and show PiP ( the video is contained in separate mini window that is always on top of other windows. Because of you use your own player, the plugin does everything possible so that your videos cannot be downloaded even if they are your own customers. The plugin works sharing videos like video stream to avoid users to see the video url to download it, because of the are not public url and the browser cant show the video without the php rendering and authorizations from the backend.. The video it will be seen in the case you return true and for that you can use the functions of others plugins for restrict content like the above example with RCP.. The second variable $attributes is array with all data about the configuration of each video block with these keys color, blockAlignment, videoID, imageID, imageUrl, content.. Nobody must to know direct url of each video but if your hosting ignoring.htaccess file and show the videos please talk to the manager of your hosting to increase security and protect videos in the best way.. Please read all Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page before using this plugin production, and think if it's your best option to share videos on your web
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