You may need to change language for example when you start to write new post and notice that it's in wrong language. Smartly disabling the select enhances UI.. Even though the language can be changed, the images added to content may still be in wrong language. Changing the site default language is prone to errors. If it has, hides select and shows the name of language with CSS and vanilla JS. Removes option to change default language unless the user does not provide iknowwhatimdoing GET-parameter or allows it via filter.. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... Disable the availability to do so, unless the user know what they doing. The disabling was changed so that the select is hidden with CSS and in its place, plain paragraph with language is displayed. 0.1.1. The translation wasn't linked to the original term because of the disabled attribute.
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