Social Auto Poster WordPress plugin is designed to auto-share your post & content on multiple media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bufferapp, Tumblr, Linkedln... Social Auto Poster WordPress plugin is fitted for those who want to share their website content with famous media accounts like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr, BufferApp, Pinterest. This WP plugin enables you to share, schedule or manage the posts on various configured social accounts. The plugin comprises with Google Analytics helps in tracking for traffic & popular post of the website.. This plugin allows you to shorten URL into the small with the help of tinyurl com, bit ly, shorte st or in-built WordPress Shorteners.. This plugin provides the ability to post the content what not to post. Plugins Compatibility. WooCommerce This plugin is compatible with WooCommerce plugin to sell products of your website online.. Easy Digital Downloads This plugin supports the option for the content, pages, images etc on the website.. Yoast SEO Yoast Seo helps you in the optimization of the website for various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. BuddyPress & bbPress BuddyPress is used to create community & bbPress allows you to add in your posts.
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