Spike Theme is released with the purpose to offer best platform to all type of bloggers where contents can be share clear way. Spike theme is developed with updated coding standards to make it work smoother way. The sidebar offers support to place widgets from the collection to increase functionality.. Spike WordPress Theme has header section, it will enable you to add your own logo image and custom menu with categories in drop-down menu. Homepage area will show latest posts in list-view style and featured image will get re-sized with in-built functionality. Most of the area is covered in the design to show content and it will make sure no space is wasted for unnecessary spacing.. Moreover Spike WordPress Theme has widget with wide range of icons for different websites, you can configure those shortcuts with the relevant profile links. The template is based on best responsive design and that will make it work with any mobile or touch enabled devices. Most of the basic and advanced widgets are already included with the theme to make sure you do not have to ad external plugin except in-case you need to install 3rd party plugin it will still work smoothly... Total color choices Chocolate, Obsidian, Obsidian Grunge, Tiger and Arctic Fox.
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