With the huge boom in the number of mobile phone users, the activity via cellular devices is becoming increasingly common. With the ownership of mobile phone and access to the internet, you can connect with anyone in the world. Keeping in mind the utmost need and necessity of mobile phones in this age of technology, this fact cannot be negated that there is more website visits from this device. This is one of the first and foremost requirements when you are planning to build mobile friendly WordPress theme. it's recommended that you keep in mind the above instructions. 2. you are now required to choose WordPress theme. It means that mobile friendly WordPress themes require such content that is scalable based on the size of the device. In other words, the adaptive content has got the ability to scale up or scale down its dimensions depending on the device. Once you are through the checklist of tasks, the next step is to test the website. With this type of testing and proper attention to detail, it will be rest assured that you have mobile friendly WordPress theme.
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