If you're shopper and you are scrolling down page reading description or looking at images, you can lose sight, quite figuratively of the information about product, including the main call to action, the add to cart button. Sticky add to cart for Woo aims to solve that problem by always keeping the button on the page at all times. ** How can this benefit your store **. Upload Sticky add to cart for wooto the wp-content plugins ` directory. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins WordPress. Go to Woocommerce >> Sticky add to cart to customise the settings.. Go to Woocommerce >> Sticky add to cart to customise the settings... Can I customise the look of Sticky add to cart for Woo.. If you want to customise it further the version will allow you to fully customise the display of the plugin... Keep in mind that due to the limited space available, especially on mobile devices, you may want to replace the selector with the quick link button. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... 1.0.
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