All-in-one solution for WordPress websites Managed Hosting + Website Builder + Theme.
Static and headless site generator for websites built with WordPress..
Static and headless site generator for websites built with WordPress...
Content creators enjoy the flexibility and power of WordPress alongside the speed, security, and reliability that Strattic brings..
By virtue of its pure architecture, hackers and malicious actors have nothing to breach, giving you peace of mind and maintenance costs..
Without the weight of PHP processing and activity slowing things down, your site will always scale for traffic and load.
In, the more traffic that hits CDN requesting your site, the faster your site will perform..
Unlike many Headless WordPress options that rely on fetching data to render content, all of our static sites are pre-rendered for increased speed..
I recommend Strattic, do not want it to get hacked, and prefer to focus on your product and not on the headache of maintaining WordPress.
Elementor serves web professionals, including developers, designers and marketers, and boasts new website created every 10 seconds on its platform..
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