The theme is perfect choice to create information sharing magazine sites related to fashion, technology and other niche. And for bloggers and writer it will prove to be element to catch the readers attention. Homepage design of Style WordPress Theme is built with grid style boxes to feature introduced articles, your latest posts using featured thumbnails and with colorful like button, button for pinterest gogole plus and comment button. Another useful feature of Style WordPress Theme is featured slider which is displayed on homepage, here either you can put main pages or popular articles. You can manipulate the slider display style, slide interval, n from options given slider options panel. With slider images you can display custom title text and call to button, the button will bring more clicks from the readers.. Ad management options gives you amazing power to specify ads location to be shown with articles, either below title or content. The fonts options page gives you user friendly options to select Google fonts for header and body, and when you select different font it will override previous choice... Fully responsive to work on touch screen and latest devices. Admin panel to customize website settings.
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