B3log is an open source community blog-forum mixer in mainland China.. It provides Web API to synchronize personal blogs from and to the central community server.. This project implements a plugin for WordPress blog which supports this kind of synchronization for common WordPress users... Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins sync-hacpai directory , or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins screen in WordPress. Use the Settings->Hacpai Sync WordPress Plugin screen to configure the plugin... Contributors & Developers.. sync-hacpai. is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.. Interested in development.. , check out the SVN repository , or subscribe to the development log by RSS... Changelog. 1.40. 删除查看最近10次同步结果的功能.. 1.30. 更新 API 使其可用. 增强安全性.. 1.20. 记录日志到文件. 配置面板显示日志.. 1.10. 社区评论同步到博客内容,改为$comment->contentHTML. 社区评论同步到博客记录原始IP. 移除同步分类选项 , 细分同步选项...
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