The Text Message Plugin by Biz Text lets your website receive and send text messages. You can and send text messages from your PC through WordPress or from your mobile phone. Biz Text plan allows you to choose 'Biz Number which is local phone. Your Biz Number is displayed on your website and it allows you to receive and send text messages.. When your website visitors send you text, you can to those texts through your WordPress dashboard or forward those text messages to one or more mobile numbers. You can to texts from your mobile phone and your website visitors will never see your cell phone number.. Your Biz Number can handle voice calls too so you don't need number nor do you need to display your mobile phone number to send and text messages.. The Text Message Plugin makes it easy for you to display your Biz Number on your website. Choose from link or button styles for your texting options, only your mobile visitors will see the option to text you, your desktop visitors will see your regular website.. Reply to texts received from your PC through your WordPress dashboard or forward texts to your mobile phone.
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