While hiring WordPress Maintenance Service provider is the option especially you can maintain your WordPress site yourself if you are on budget or not willing to hire WordPress maintenance agency. Additionally, for your convenience, we have broken down the Checklist into four sections, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly. While many hosting providers include backups in their Managed WordPress hosting plans and perform automated site backups, there are also several plugins and services to automate WordPress backup process., BackWPup, BackupBuddy, and Duplicator. Also, it increases the size of your WordPress backups, uploading, and restoring backups time consuming and cumbersome process... While the quality of your web host matters in the equation, there are two key areas you should focus on to improve the speed of your WordPress site. Caching You can use WordPress plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and Cache Enabler to cache your posts and pages as static files.. Image Optimization consider using plugins such as Smush, ShortPixel, and Kraken.io to optimize your images... Additionally, you can use Content Delivery Networks such as StackPath, Cloudflare, and KeyCDN to serve your content and images as static files.. Find and Fix 404 Errors When user requests page that is no longer available on your WordPress site, he encounters error page. When creating passwords, make sure to use combination of capital and small alphabets, numbers, and special characters or use LastPass Password Generator tool to generate the strongest passwords possible for your WordPress site. #Remove Unnecessary Users.
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