But the point of this guide is to demonstrate how to monitor your most critical issues from high level, and diagnose where to spend more energy digging in.. The data is straight from Google, the dashboard is already built for you, and you already have it set up for your account.. In Enhancement overviews, look for spikes up and down in features such as AMP, Q&As, Mobile Usability, and more. Google Search Console rolled out vastly more information on indexing and crawling errors, and highlights the important issues.. The biggest thing to look for is the Error view and you'll want to read through the lines under Details section. You want to look at Last Read column to make sure it's been crawled somewhat recently. In the worst case scenario, such as on website relaunch or new site update from your team, this will get changed to. I recommend comparing the 7 days to the 7 days to get sense of any big changes.. To dig in further, you'll want to go to Speed Suggestions to get page-by-page timings and suggestions. Continuing on from the phenomenon of not checking SERPs, it's all too common for SEO professionals to default to analysis tools rather than hand-checking our website..
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