In WordPress plugins, Role Manager plugins have been used for WP from 2.0.x until 2.6.x. But to give you idea, here is the list of some of WordPress Role Manager plugins that will work exceptionally. With CMS level scripts and software, you will benefit from control and ease of editing and reading permissions. In this WP plugin, you can already transform WP into CMS-resembling platform. It works well all functions of management such putting existing roles along with new capabilities, and creating new capabilities and roles... Here, you may edit, manage, delete or create capabilities and copy the existing roles. In this latest version, you can do enjoy the following features filter widgets and metaboxes, control access to admin menu track user activities control access to CPTs, Terms, Posts or Pages user's or role's capabilities, filter page content or post manage list and create system event custom actions... It's the multi-functional file WP tool that allows you to track, share, upload, organize, distribute or group any sort of document. Its overall features include project renaming, custom forms, ability to upload and choose multiple files, zips multiple files, search user uploads and more.. With these best WordPress manager plugins, it will be easier for you to perform tasks related to documents.
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