WordPress BuddyPress is source program from the core code to the themes, plugins, and documentations. The beauty about Buddy Press is that you have plenty of plugins to choose from to enhance the functionality and performance of your social network. RT Media is plugin with WordPress, bbPress, and BuddyPress. This plugin brings engagement and allows your community to share their thoughts, audio, video, and pictures to their hearts content, while you promote your site to social networks. BuddyPress social is plugin that adds Twitter, Google+, Email, media uploads, and group activity. 3. The plugin is BuddyPress, bbPress, WordPress, and WordPress 2.0 compatible. Download BuddyPress Links and allow your members to share links, videos, images, and other rich content and quickly. 7. Download WordPress Social Login and allow your visitors Google+, Facebook, Yahoo Mail and more. This plugin enables you to import users contact list from various social networks including Windows Live, Google Gmail, LinkedIn, and Facebook. 8. BuddyPress Activity Plus adds three buttons to your social network stream allowing you to attach videos, photos, or web links and then share them to all of your members...
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