It makes it easier for people with no experience with web design to make changes to websitMakinging minor edits to the key pages, uploading images, or adding blog posts could done using CMS platform..
When we talk about CMS, the two most popular tools one can use to create and run website are WordPress and Joomla.
Joomla and WordPress have their own set of extensions and themes that the websites run, making them incompatible with other CMSs.
you need to start understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both CMS platforms before building your website..
Joomla and WordPress are the web's most CMS platforms with common regarding philosophy, technology, and community.
Both Joomla and WordPress use templates and themes for the appearance of sites, extensions, modules, and plugins to extend features..
WordPress has community of developers who have developed thousands of templates and plugins for WordPress.
The primary reasons why WordPress websites get hacked are the use of the version of the website and login information..
As you might know, PHP is the backbone of WordPress site, and using the version of PHP is of importance for security purposes..
While Joomla community reacts to security vulnerabilities and creates security patches, the proper use of security is up to the users.
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