Most small businesses prefer WordPress 83% of Indian small businesses started online selling in the 5 years and due to their budget issue, they prefer WordPress.
domain name is unique address that is used to access website and web hosting is the place where we store all the files so that others can access your content through the internet.
The main of HubSpot is CMS, CRM, Service, sales, marketing and operations..
HubSpot has limited customization features.
Hubspot has limited range of customization features and if you want advanced customization of your site then you need developer.
WordPress has library of free themes and templates that allow users to create attractive and stylish design for their website without any knowledge of programming.
Hubspot has variety of themes and templates and for the advanced feature, you should have knowledge of Hubspot coding HubL otherwise you have to hire developer for it..
It provides some analytics about page views and visitors and exactMetrics, MonsterInsights, Analytify etc..
So friends, In this post we have seen the difference between WordPress and Hubspot and when we talk about.
As we know that India is country where number of small businesses are there and they have less amount of budget for website designing so they prefer WordPress if you are business and want one-stop shop that provides you CMS and marketing both for boosting your marketing strategy then Hubspot is platform for you.
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