Coffee Lounge Theme is released for bakery, coffee shop and restaurants main, the purpose of the theme is to list all of your menu items on website and get online reservations through website. The theme is packed with color variations for template with best slider si only text and food items will overwrite the background. title and image from the post and read more link will also be attached to take visitors to the full post for brief reading.. The theme design is made with header and stylish separator borders, custom textured slider on the header section at the top of the page, This little chance in design also optimize whole look of the website. The important section is Menu Template, for creating menu for different food items you are given built-in post type for menu so content and images need to be added to list all the food items. The header begins with beautiful and stylish logo of your business, here you can either choose image of logo design or enter your own text to make it fit on logo box. By widget so you have better chance to use this horizontal space to display slider like happy meal hours or any discount to attract visitors directly on the offer page, The footer section of Coffee Lounge Theme is powered. Coffee Lounge WordPress Theme offers reservation page with custom design, For the text box you can add title and details like email, phone numbers etc. Sidebar is also made of stylish design you get boring slider with regular themes, and for the optimization purpose design and style is put on the high focus. The blog page of Coffee Lounge WordPress Theme is designed with simple style with excerpt with with stylish comment box to show total comments for the post, author detail, date etc.
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