As association we bring the possibility to manage your medical papers in quick and simple way.. You can create and storage your papers in easy way in your WordPress page... This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins WordPress... Research papers — including medical ones — have common structure, which makes it easier for editors, referees, and readers to follow and understand your research work. The most used format is IMRAD structure, which includes Introduction, Methods section, Results section, and Discussion section .. Your paper should also include paragraph — the conclusion — restating the project proposal and its value, but this does not have to be separate section and can be added to the discussion. The manuscript should also have the information i ) clear, informative, and concise title ii ) author affiliations iii ) well-written abstract that highlights the purpose, main findings, significance, and implications of your work iv ) relevant keywords v ) acknowledgments section and vi ) up-to-date references.. Many editors pay particular attention to the abstract, figures, and tables when deciding whether paper should be sent out for peer review or not, so check these parts very carefully before submitting your manuscript to any journal... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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