As WordPress user, you're probably more or familiar with switching themes, and in case you're new to this, you are at the right place.
Being able to change WP themes is one of the most beautiful features that our very own WordPress provides, and it's designed to be executed with only few clicks so that even beginners would not have any problem doing it.
Once you have turned on the Maintenance mode, you are good to go ahead with the process of changing your WordPress theme..
Image Source Free Download Manager Lib Of course, changing WordPress theme is not that risky because the system allows you to go back to your old theme whenever you want to.
Image Source Medical Daily Your new WordPress theme has to be packed with all necessary widgets.
The easiest way to do modifications is overwriting the sidebar php file, and adding all the necessary codes in the theme sidebar..
Image Source themefuse Once you have set WordPress theme, you need to make sure that all the functionalities and plugins still work properly.
Image Source Search Engine Land always keep in mind that even after changing WordPress theme, ads will remain the same as they used to be on the theme and you will need to update them.
You can also ask them to add new RSS feeds, and it's much better to automate the change, instead of losing subscribers because they do not have time to do it..
Make sure you perform all the above actions before switching to your new theme to prevent any disruptions or potential damages to your website..
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