Tip Jar WP is made for creators, artists, teachers, service providers, and more. On the cutting edge of payment technologies through the power of Stripe, you can accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, standard credit cards, and more with beautiful designed payment form.. You are protected from fraudulent purchases and chargebacks via 3D Secure, and also comply with SCA regulations in EU... Tip Jar WP makes money through fee, so you can install it and keep it forever, without paying anything... Customize your payment forms using Gutenberg Block, or the built-in shortcode Classic Editor mode... Put the payment form anywhere on your website with the shortcode, or customize it with Block editor.. Once you've completed the set-up wizard, use the shortcode on any page post, or use our Block in Block Editor by typing tipjarwp... Stripe is the gateway that works with Tip Jar WP, and it's included for free... Suppprt to sell digital goods ( when payment confirmed, file should go to email & his account on site... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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