Tools for Writing Better WordPress Code Composer A very introduction to Composer explaining its purpose and how you can use it to take advantage of autoloading... I think the title of this series and the articles for each are clear enough, there are other things I'm aiming to do with this series in contrast to the other series I've written up to this point, too.. Specifically, two of the things that I'm trying to do is to two keep each article relatively succinct, focus on one thing at time and keep the description of it short... then you know that I'm fan of Composer .. By the end of reading single, And I've not written something with the specific aim to get you up and running with it, short article.. To that point, we're going to need to make some compromises, I'll provide configuration file along with way to organize your directory. Then, in the next post, I'll explain some of the features of Composer. ⚠️ Hey, Wait... Some of this I'll cover for now, I recommend getting familiar with some of the conventions.. That can become a huge directory later, and it can undermine the whole purpose of Composer.. Some people do it, and that's okay, and I've done it before, and it's important to be judicious about when you do..
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