There are tons of websites and services that can help you to master the art of website administration, including article libraries such as WP Beginner. Our suggestion is to find WordPress theme that perfectly resonates with your branding strategy and also gives you the possibility to make improvisations and adapt it according to your own needs. 4. It's complex topic that requires fair share of studying, and you must understand the fundamentals such as keywords, slugs, and meta-descriptions. 6. Plugins can burden WordPress website and drain the memory, thus making your site slower. Just open the wp-config php file and enter the following line of code define 7. This is not always the case, except we still recommend you to delete the plugins you do not use or do not plan to reactivate them anytime soon. 11. The content you publish has the purpose to hook the audience and inspire them to engage. You can do it using online tools like Pingdom, platform that evaluates site performance and gives you practical tips on how to reduce load time. 14. You can install social share plugin and allow website visitors to spread the word about your content through their accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other popular networks. 15. We discussed 15 professional tips and tricks that can make the job easier for you, so make sure to use them and build fully WordPress website... written by CATEGORIES Tags, WordPress Tricks...
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