WordPress Crowdfunding plugins will be of great use to you.. It allows you to enable crowdfunding or fundraising on your WordPress site by using PayPal Standard. Also, it allows you to integrate with multiple gateways and, it almost works with every WordPress theme.. Mixpanel Analytics. Some of the important features are listed below, It has the option for fundraising goal, end date, open closed campaigns, video embed, multiple crowdfunding levels, etc. It supports Front-End sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc. It supports additional gateways, including Stripe, Authorize., First Data, Coinbase, Square, Paytm, etc. Adds support for renewals, automatic checkout page creation, subscriptions, expiring accounts, and free products 2... Using this plugin, you can create and manage the in your WordPress site. It allows you to manage category, location, currency, etc.
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