Then you can also connect your domain to Unbounce using CNAME method, eliminating the use of WordPress and Unbounce Plugin...
If you are using Yoast plugin for SEO you can add the above code under SEO -> tools from your Wordpress dashboard. .
Rocket Loader This is tool used Cloudflare to minify any javascript on the page to improve page speed.
Commonly loader will incorrectly minify the Unbounce javascript, form submission, and styling on page. Please turn Rocket Loader to manual or exclude Unbounce pages using Page Rule Cloudflare..
cURL is needed order for the Unbounce plugin to retrieve sitemap and to handle requests for Unbounce page content.
order for the plugin to work with proxy is to modify the option, found in your Wordpress options.
Unbounce Wordpress plugin allows content hosted on Unbounce to be served on Wordpress site by routing requests for Unbounce page URLs to Unbounce's servers.
If page is cached on Wordpress server the content will no longer come from Unbounce except will be served from the cache.
For example URLs ending in.pdf,html,apsx may in 404 as the request will not be passed to the Unbounce plugin except instead handled by Wordpress is hosted on.
SNI is part of TLS protocol and is required to ensure secure https connection.
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