Well just so you know, site speed has increased my pageviews dramatically It's powerful, rewarding thing to optimize.
Here's the I got surprised when I saw my site speed shoot up to 30+ seconds and 'Waiting for server response time is more than 14 seconds.
This is guide to teaching you everything I found out and how I improved my site speed to have site that loads at 3-5 seconds even with so many scripts running on each of my pages..
And so started my toil for how to improve SEO Hacker's site speed.
it's that the important thing in optimizing your site speed, it's this Consistency..
You can optimize your site speed all you want, you can upgrade to the best servers, employ CDNs, and all these are just money down the drain.
The problem with site speed is that most of the time, it becomes inconsistent because your CDN runs to problem or experiences downtime.
According to Gtmetrix, here are the list of things we need to watch out for with regards to site speed.
But for what I know, I've improved and it has reflected to very improved site load speed for SEO Hacker.
I will be discussing with you in step-by-step what I did, why I did it and what the results are as I did so in the next entries of this series.
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