Details for the shortcode for each carousel are included in the editor..
If you don't want to include bootstrap, each carousel editor allows you the option to include it automatically on any page you add the shortcode with that slider's id..
To enable it, select slider, click Settings, and select the basic style from the dropdown..
View reference by clicking the.
Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins um-bootstrap-carousels directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly..
Activate the plugin through 'Plugins screen WordPress.
Out of the box, you can hack together pretty cool front end without worrying about backwards compatibility, while saving you ton of time by facilitating many time consuming aspects of front end design for you...
This plugin is for people already planning to use bootstrap 4, so if you already included bootstrap, the answer is no.
Keep in mind that it only enqueues bootstrap on the pages where you include Carousels...
Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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