Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager is easy to use Google Adsense, custom ads & WordPress plugin. Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager allows WordPress users to monetise your website easily.. UGAAM supports Google Ads, Custom banner ads, other advertisement network based on javascript .. Insert JavaScript to verify services like Google, Google analytics tracking code, Pinterest, MailChimp verification etc to header or footer. Insert Google Adsense & other Script based advertisement scripts to Archive Category page. Insert Google Adsense & other Script based advertisement scripts to page single & blog post single. Insert Google Adsense, other Script based advertisement scripts to widgets area like .. advertisement that works with Script code. To insert advertisement & other scripts go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager. To insert ads area like footer & other widgets area go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets..
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