You can try demo on this site where the content of the post changes on whether the visitor is member or not.. In order to become members, visitors need to be using web3 enabled wallet such as MetaMask or browser with wallet, such as Opera. They also need balance of Ether order to purchase keys to pay for the memberships. Then, from the administration of your WordPress org website, in the Plugins section, click on Add New button and then on Upload Plugin button to upload the plugin.. Once installed, check the plugin's settings to add the address of the lock that you have deployed.. Blocks which can be used in Gutember Editor, for both posts and pages. The checkout button block block with button to let you add button for people to become members. We recommend the use of wallet which supports multiple accounts so that you can toggle between accounts. If you believe these changes would be beneficial to others, we encourage you to also open Pull Request so that we could add these to the branch released on the wordpress org website.. Then checkout the inside of trunk and commit the changes into svn with svn ci -m commit message..
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