Therefore, so that they ca not be accessed by your visitors, then you will have to resort to installing plugin.. Changing the status of post to archived removes it from public view, without trashing it, where it could be end up being deleted from your site forever as part of WordPress clean-up cycle. you can either make the change from the individual post editor screen, or from the management screen. From the Add Plugins screen, enter ' Archived Post Status in the search field, and then install the first item listed in the results... Once the plugin has been installed and activated, the new post status will be added to your site — there are no settings to configure or options pages to clog up your admin sidebar menus. then the developer has added some instructions to FAQ page.. The best way to do this is select all the posts you'd like to archive from All Posts screen, then select Edit from Bulk Actions drop down menu... you can then select the archived status and hit Update button to unpublish those posts in bulk... Archived Post Status plugin was created by Frankie Jarrett, developer who has produced number of other WordPress plugins.. Joe is writer that has knowledge of all things WordPress.or you would like to hire him as writer for your blog, check out his website... Comments...
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