Once the plugin is installed microphone symbol is added to every web form and search bar allowing the user to dictate their search and forms submission rather than typing it.. The plugin also supports all other modern platforms and browsers such as iOS, MacOS, Linux, Windows, Safari, FireFox, MS Edge etc. This call will invoke speak2web cloud service to validate the license key and provision cloud resources for AI to be used... Every time the plugin is loaded onto page, call is issued to the speak2web service to retrieve valid token to access IBM cloud services. when voice request is being issued. When the user clicks the microphone to issue voice command, additional cloud calls being placed to IBM Watson Cloud STT to transcribe the audio. To process the request the plugin will call speak2web cloud service to process the language request and prepare response... As such, this plugin and the associated service DO NOT correlate IP Addresses or other data like browser history etc to the transcript of the interaction. The cloud service does stream data to the IBM Watson STT service while the recording is active, but we DO NOT keep copy of the audio recording.. The plugin will engaged the microphone, transcribe the spoken words into the bar and engage the page's search functionality. The plugin is able to detect the end of speech on all platforms allowing the user to click the microphone to start the recording and wait for the search to take place...
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