By replacing files JPEG, PNG and GIF formats with WebP format, you can save over half of the page weight without losing quality.. When the browser tries to download image file, the server verifies if it supports image webp files and if the file exists.. The plugin does not change file URLs, so there are no problems with saving the page to the cache and the time does not increase.. Image URLs are modified using the module mod rewrite on the server, i.e the same, and thanks to this we can use links WordPress. Additionally, MIME type of the sent file is modified to image webp.. The result is that your users download less than half of the data, and the page itself loads faster... Upload the plugin files to wp-content plugins webp-converter-for-media directory, or install plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. In WordPress admin panel, on the Settings -> WebP Converter subpage there is module that allows you to process all your images. Inside the directory there is the same structure as in the original uploads directory. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... 1.0.0.
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