weeblrAMP is freemium plugin from Yannick Gaultier that gives you ton of flexibility for how you implement AMP on your WordPress site.. AMP for WP is one option that I've tried, and weeblrAMP is entrant that tries to up the game on the AMP plugin from Automattic.. WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads support, including Add to Cart buttons on the AMP versions of your content.. This means that you can access it by appending amp to any page on your site, and the plugin is not sharing that fact with search engines quite yet.. weeblrAMP helps add the tracking code, and it also lets you. And you'll like the ability to add both custom CSS and your own links .. weeblrAMP $49 includes most of the premium features that I listed and lacks support for Disqus and WooCommerce EDD.. With that being said, I think the usability could be improved bit for the styling areas simply because the number of options can become overwhelming without any real-time preview. AMP for WP offers tools like AMP page builder to make things little more accessible so I think weeblrAMP needs to up its game bit to compete on that front.. So beyond that criticism, I would say that functionality weeblrAMP is something that you should look at to create AMP version of your WordPress site...
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