In this article, we will discuss what are WordPress security keys and salts and why you should use them..
Normally, you do not need to do anything extra since in most cases WordPress will generate and use security keys + salts on each new WordPress install..
You can view your WordPress security keys and salts by using FTP or File Manager your WordPress hosting account control panel..
You can add them manually by going to WordPress Security Key Generator page to generate new set of keys..
You can use the method to delete your WordPress security keys and replace them with new keys..
then you need to regenerate WordPress security keys and change your passwords..
The easiest way to regenerate WordPress security keys by using Sucuri.
Upon activation, you need to visit Sucuri Security » Settings page and switch to Post-Hack tab..
Note Regenerating new security keys will log you out of WordPress admin area and you'll need to login again...
After that, revisit Sucuri Security » Settings page and switch to Post-Hack tab again..
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