Think of WordPress setup the same as, well, any other installation of CMS. Making WordPress data available to other applications can be accomplished through use of REST API. Think of it like Java, Node.js, Swift and more. In short, the build and upkeep processes for the front end can be much more involved for developers than WordPress website.. You lose the ability to just add WordPress plugin anytime you need features like form or shopping cart.. If you intend to publish lot of content and or have API calls from multiple sources, things can slow down. simple guide by Sufyan bin Uzayr offering the basics of why and how you might use CMS... nicely illustrated explanation of what CMS is, plus number of resources to help you learn more.. In the right circumstances, the use of WordPress configuration can be just the thing your project needs to stand out. The ability to create something like app embraces the cutting edge of technology and allows more freedom than your average theme-based website..
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